DEAR Friends~
This project has already finished the online game"The adventure of A-Wen". However there is only Chinese narration in the game, I think only little people who can't speak or read Chinese have played this interesting game. Let me put some introduction here.
The player has to control our little archeologist "A-Wen", who face a very serious problem, all the artifacts he found are rolled up to the sky. He MUST RESCUE these ancient artifacts! All that he has to do is to move around and catch the falling artifacts. If A-Wen catches one artifact, he will gain points. If A-Wen failed to catch an artifact and let it crash on the ground, A-Wen will lose points.
Not every falling object can be caught. The spearhead and the knife are the exceptions. If A-Wen is hit by them, he will lose one heart. The game will be over when the whole five hearts are lost.
After the game, the player has a chance to learn the archeological background of each artifact. So, the player will know the knife that hurts is a weapon of the Shang dynasty held by the strongest army in the East Asia almost 3000 years ago. The earthenware with a beautiful human face is the precious of the Austronesian people who lived in today's Taipei county 1200 years ago. We also provide a connection between the game and our on-line database. The player who desires to know more could enter our database and get more first hand archeological data and images.
Our website is
When you enter our website, select 考古百科(Kao-Gu-Bai-Ke)
Then select the right side 遊戲特區(You-Xi-Te-Qu)
Click on the man carrying a cart, you will start the game.
If you want to protect the cultural heritage of all humankind
Come to enjoy this game